September 01, 2012

Thirty Day Hair Challenge - Day 1 "Bandanna & Bun"

I've noticed that I have become very predictable in my hairstyle's lately, it's usually a bun, messy bun, or ponytail for me.  In the past I would mix it up more with braids, experiment with odd twists, and sometimes even curl or straighten my hair.  I don't know why I've stopped having fun with it (chopping my hair off last year probably didn't help), but I'm determined to get my creativity back.  To do this, I'm going to try (stress try, finger's crossed!) to do a different hairstyle every day for the month of September.

I'm guessing I'm going to have a lot of different variances of buns and braids because I like my heavy hair up, but as long as the styles are different, that's okay.

So let the creative begin!  Today I start with a...wait for it....a messy bun with a bandanna wrapper around.  I was painting and working a rummage sale, so keeping it up and away was key today.

***Disclaimer - I'm not a hairstylist, so don't expect Hollywood level hair here, I'm just an average woman in the Midwest given this a go :)

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