January 06, 2014

Lake Michigan Sunrise

Lake Michigan from Downtown Milwaukee, January 6, 2014.  -12 out with a windchild of -39

January 01, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year Everyone!  If you've been following along the past month you'll notice that my effort to post more kind of failed short, but I'm going to continue to try to do more.   Expressing myself on here, whether it's through pictures, recipes, crafts, or travel, has been cathartic for me and I was a bit disappointed in 2013 that I feel off.  I started a new job that was much more demanding than anything I've done in the past, it's been six months though and I feel like I'm starting to get a better handle on it so hopefully I can be on here more!

I've never really been a New Year's resolution type of person, I've always made jokey ones, but this year I've actually made three that I want to really go for.  They are:

  1. Swear less - I rarely, if ever, swear in front of people, but I have a hugely massive dirty mouth while driving or just alone in general.  My favorite is C---MotherFu---.  Classy I know.  
  2. Learn some French - I have some huge plans coming up later this year*hopefully* and I'd like to learn a little basic French.  It will hopefully be very helpful.  
  3. Workout at least twice a week - I know this doesn't sound like much but you have to start somewhere right?  In the spring, summer, and fall I do great walking outdoors, but now in the winter of Wisconsin, it's way too cold to walk outside.  I don't have a treadmill or a gym membership, so I have a feeling I'll be investing in a gym membership.

So those are my resolutions.  I think they are all manageable but we'll see!