July 01, 2015

My Concert Stories #1: New Kids On The Block

Everyone loves music, I mean, have you ever heard of someone not liking music?  As a painfully shy kid growing up, music was one of the few things that made me feel free.  It made me  - and still makes me – feel like a bird in the big beautiful sky with not a care in the world.  Thankfully, with age and some wisdom, I am not as severely shy as I once was as a child.  Music, however, still continues to be my joy, my release, and my freedom. 

I am extremely blessed that my family shares my passion for music and concerts and also supports me (i.e. comes with me) in my love of concert going.  I have seen some amazing and of course some “interesting” ones and have had a variety of experiences along the way.  My hope is to share a concert story each week with you.  June 30, 2015 marked 25 years for me as a concert hopper, so please keep in mind some of my stories may be short and fuzzy as I’m old people!!!  I hope you enjoy some of them, whether it’s a silly recap, my lack of memory, some bad fashion, or some terrible photographs. 

I hope these memories make you think back on your concert stories and smile.  And if you don’t have any yet, get out there and create some!

Now on to my 1st concert ever!

New Kids On The Block
The Magic Summer Tour
Alpine Valley Music Theater
June 30, 1990
Age 7

Impressed with my musical taste already? Don’t worry, it will just keep getting worse, I am a child of the 80’s .  My first concert ever, that I know of, but am fairly certain of, was New Kids On The Block at Alpine Valley and I’ll pawn this one off on my older sister who was obsessed with Jordan Knight (I may have had a Danny doll though…wait! Don’t leave yet!!! Please don’t judge my taste!).  As I was 7 at the time the only memory I have was sitting in the parking lot after the concert and traffic was at a standstill.  I think we even stayed parked for a while.  The other reason I don’t have any other memories is because I slept through the concert (and this won’t be the last time I do this either!).  That’s right, my parents sure wasted their money on my ticket.  In my defense, I was little kid, it was probably way past my bedtime by the time NKOTB took the stage and we were in the lawn sprawled out on a blanket.  Who could resist a nap over loud music and screaming teenage girls?  Sadly no pictures with this one given my age, but I will forever find it hilarious that I slept through all of those screaming girls.

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